01 Apr 2024 - 31 Aug 2024

Sheki Khan’s Palace

The Khan’s Palace has a unique place among the architectural monuments of Sheki. This significant architectural monument of the XVIII century is famous for its elaborate architectural decorations, and it is a product of a synthesis of several applied arts traditions of Azerbaijan. The Khan’s Palace is a classic example of applying traditional construction principles widely reflected in the residential buildings of the area.

The Khan’s Palace is one of the most significant buildings of the new Sheki built in the territory of Nukha village after the devastating flood of 1772. According to various historical sources, it was completed either in 1797 or in 1760 . There are several old plane trees in front of the main façade of the building, which is in the upper part of the town inside the city walls. The palace is surrounded by walls on all sides despite being already inside the walled keep. This was a characteristic feature of most oriental cities at the time.

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