“Diri Baba” tomb is one of the most significant architectural monuments associated with the history of medieval Sufism in Azerbaijan. This historical building located in Gobustan has been taken under state protection as an architectural monument of national importance (inv. No. 297). Along with the ancient cemetery, the caves around the tomb are considered a holy pilgrimage for the Shirvan zone’s population.
According to the epitaph on the “Diri Baba” tomb, this monument was built in 1402 (805 Hijri calendar) by order of Shirvanshah Ibrahim – the ruler of the State of the Shirvanshahs (1382-1417). The inner wall of the tomb has the inscription ‘Ustad bin Hacı’ (the son of master Haji).
This monument which is located on the historical Silk Road has attracted the attention of European diplomats and travelers who visited the Shirvan region for centuries. In the 17th century, the monument was visited by European travelers such as Adam Olearius, the Ottoman traveler Evliya Chelebi, also in the early 18th century, it was visited by Cornelius de Brun. Their engravings drawn by experts have very valuable sources which provide the former appearance of the monument.